
[63348-81-2] C2H8BClS (MW 110.43) InChI = 1S/C2H6S.BClH2/c1-3-2;1-2/h1-2H3;1H2 InChIKey = RQRCEGLLWXERDH-UHFFFAOYSA-N (hydroborating agent providing access to thexylmonochloroborane,2 dialkylchloroboranes,3a B-chloro bora heterocycles4; reagent for the cleavage of acetals5 and epoxides6) Alternate Name: MCBS. Physical Data: d20:4 1.059 g cm−3. Solubility: sol dichloromethane, pentane, diethyl ether. Form Supplied in: colorless liquid. Preparative Methods: by redistribution of Borane Dimethyl Sulfide (BMS) and Boron TrichlorideċSMe27 and by the reaction of BMS with CCl4.8 The reagent is in an equilibrium with approximately 15% each of BHCl2ċSMe2 and BMS.2, 8-10 Analysis of Reagent Purity: active hydride is determined by hydrolysis of an aliquot and measuring the hydrogen evolved according to the standard procedure.11 11B NMR (CCl4; δ, ppm) −7.2 (t),9 −6.7 (t, JB–H = 131 Hz).7 Handling, Storage, and Precautions: corrosive liquid; flammable; stench; reacts violently with water. Handle and store under nitrogen or argon. Stable indefinitely when stored under nitrogen at 25 °C. Use in a fume hood.

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