
The importance of an interaction between environment and biological factors for the expression for a particular behaviour is illustrated by results from a series of adolescents in which effects of platelet MAO activity and psychosocial environment on criminality was investigated. In a favourable environment platelet MAO-B activity was not associated with criminality, while a very strong association was found in adolescents from a bad psychosocial environment. Essentially similar findings were obtained when a MAO-A promoter polymorphism was analysed instead of platelet MAO-B activity. In boys, presence of the low functioning allele seemed to be protective against criminal activity in combination with a good environment, while it predisposed for criminality in a bad psycho-social environment. In girls, instead, homozygosity for the high activity MAO-A allele interacted with environment to predict criminality. Possible mechanisms underlying the role of monoamine oxidases for behaviour are discussed.

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