
The study included 75 women with arterial hypertension, aged 48-51 years (Me 50,0 years [25%; 75%: 48,0; 52,0 years]), who according to the clinical laboratory and instrumental examination was diagnosed essential hypertension (EH) I–II stage of 1–2 degrees. The duration of arterial hypertension did not exceed 5 years (Me 1 year [25%; 75%: 1; 3 years]) and all women had moderate risk of cardiovascular complications on the SCORE scale. All patients were in the perimenopausal period, confirmed by laboratory of hormonal status. After 14 weeks of monotherapy losartan or ramipril or combination with one of RAAS blockers and bisoprolol with low-dose hydrochlorothiazide was achieved target blood pressure and improvement of endothelial and kidney function, which was manifested by decrease in the level of albuminuria and ADMA concentration, significantly exceeding the reference values in the initial state. More pronounced organoprotective effect was in the group of women, receiving combined antihypertensive therapy.

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