
The results of monitoring the biota of agaricoid basidiomycetes in spruce forests (riverbank spruce and wood sorrel spruce forest) in the subzone of the southern taiga of Perm krai for 40 years are summed up. To date, 336 species and intraspecific taxa of agaricoid basidiomycetes belonging to 73 genera and 16 families have been found in spruce forests. The species of the families Tricholomataceae, Cortinariaceae, and Russulaceae predominate, which is typical for the boreal zone of Eurasia. The largest number of species is found in the genera Cortinarius (43 species), Mycena (39), Russula (25), and Lactarius (13), which is typical of the southern taiga subzone. It is noted that the species composition of agaricoid basidiomycetes changes with time to a greater extent (Jacquard’s coefficients (J × 100): riverbank spruce forest: J = 44–50; sorrel spruce forest: J = 43–47) than the species composition of higher vascular plants (J = 69–88). Many common features are revealed between the species composition of fungi of spruce forests (J = 49). Over the entire period of observations in spruce forests, 16 species dominating in the number of basidiomas and 19–21 species dominating in the biomass of basidiomas have been identified. As a result of the analysis of the ecological–trophic structure of the studied biogeocenoses, mycorrhiza-forming agents predominate (37.4–43.5%). The relationship between the diversity and productivity of agaricoid fungi with the main climatic indicators (May–September) is studied. It is found that an increase in the average monthly air temperature in August leads to a decrease in the number of xylotroph basidiomas in the sorrel spruce forest (rs = –0.7) and the basidiom litter saprotrophs biomass in the riverbank spruce forest (rs = –0.7). Heavy rainfall in August contributes to a reduction in the number of basidiomas of litter saprotrophs in the riverbank fir forest (rs = –0.7).

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