
Monitoring activities carried out since 1994 showed the presence of significant levels of vanadium in drinking waters delivered in a lot of Etnean towns. The highest vanadium concentration was found in ground waters collected in the drainage gallery Ciapparazzo located on the Northwestern flank of Mt. Etna in Bronte's area (Catania, Italy). This drainage gallery, with a flow rate of near 500 l s − 1 , is an important water source for several towns of the Etnean province. On account of different toxicological behaviours of V(IV) and V(V), which are the only possible oxidation states in aqueous media, a research project was set up to evaluate the ratio between their concentrations before and after disinfection treatments (chlorination or UV irradiation). Data were acquired in the most representative sites of the drainage gallery and the distribution network to evaluate the effect of residence times and disinfection treatments on possible species interconversion. The average total concentration of vanadium was 165 μg l − 1 . Speciation analyses performed by solid phase extraction of both species followed by furnace atomic absorption spectrometric determination of V(IV) eluates revealed that the latter was the predominant species (90–100%) in untreated waters. Moreover, among the two disinfecting treatments applied by the water supplier, only sodium hypochlorite altered the species ratio and determined an instant increase of near 20% in V(V) relative concentration. No significant effect was observed as residence time varied in the drainage gallery or in the distribution systems. Other physico-chemical and chemical parameters (i.e. pH, E H, water temperature, electrical conductance, dissolved oxygen as well as major and minor inorganic cations and anions) were determined in the collected water samples to evaluate if they are proper or not for interconversion of the two V species. Redox potential of the water was also correlated to the percentage of V(IV).

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