
Key measures to enhance the role of physical culture in designing an educational space based on healthy lifestyle development are application of a system aimed to monitor the level of physical health, physical development and physical fitness of future specialists. Being an assessment tool of productivity of physical education process, monitoring the health state of young people is designed to identify the cause and effect link between physical condition and educational environment having a serious impact on students; to establish factors affecting adversely the life quality of young people; to facilitate adoption of sound managerial decisions to strengthen younger generation health. Monitoring as a diagnostic tool for studying physical development, physical fitness and health status of students of the III function group of Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU) allows teachers of the Department of Physical Education to assess initial parameters of students, monitor their physical development and motor fitness in dynamics, to assess effectiveness of the process of their physical education in HEI and to adjust its content. Using monitoring provision, one can identify priority and long-term comprehensive measures to prevent effects of unfavorable environmental factors and negative impacts of the educational process on students’ health; to develop and provide groundings for the differentiated approach to the choice of optimal loads, taking into account their physical development, physical fitness.

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