
In this study, real-time analysis of products and information dissemination (RAPID), a web-based quick visualisation and analysis tool for INSAT satellite data on a real-time basis has been introduced for identification of pre-monsoon severe weather events. The tool introduces the next generation weather data access and advanced visualisation. The combination of channels using red–green–blue (RGB) composites of INSAT-3D satellite and its physical significant value contents are presented. The solar reflectance and brightness temperatures (BTs) are the major components of the RGB composite. The solar reflectance component of the shortwave thermal infrared (IR) (\(1.6~\upmu \hbox {m}\)), visible (\(0.5~\upmu \hbox {m}\)) and thermal IR channels (\(10.8~\upmu \hbox {m}\)) representing the cloud microstructure is known as Day Microphysics (DMP) RGB and the BT differences between 10.8, 12.0 and \(3.9~\upmu \hbox {m}\) is known as Night Microphysics (NMP) RGB. The threshold technique has been developed separately for both the RGB products of the year 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 of March–June, prior to the event (1–3 hr) for the detection of the thunderstorms. A validation analysis was conducted using the Forecast Demonstration Project of Storm Bulletins for pre-monsoon weather systems prepared by the India Meteorological Department and RADAR observations, demonstrating that this approach is extremely useful in recognising the area of convection prior to the occurrence of the events by the RGB thresholds. The validation of these thresholds has been carried out for March–June 2017. Both the RGBs i.e., DMP and NMP have a reasonable agreement with the ground-based observations and RADAR data. This threshold technique yields a very good probability of thunderstorm detection more than 94% and 93% with acceptable false alarm conditions, less than 3% and 5% for DMP and NMP, respectively. Furthermore, the limitations of these RGB products are additionally highlighted, and the future extent of refinement of these products in perspective of a rapid scan strategy is proposed. The threshold techniques are found to be useful for nowcasting application and are being used operationally using the RAPID tool.

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