
Pollen has been extracted from six bryophyte and two lichen taxa, sampled from three habitats: upland heath, lowland bog and mixed woodland, in both west and east Scotland. The highest number of pollen taxa was recorded in bothSphagnum andThuidium; the lowest numbers of pollen taxa were recorded in two of the mosses and both lichens. For pollen rain control purposes in herbivore faecal studies, woodland species of bryophytes are not suitable due to the sheltering effects from rain provided by the overhead canopy. Open habitats such as moorland heath and bog provide polsters/mats which normally trap pollen rain more effectively for control purposes. The aim of this study was twofold: to observe the effectiveness of selected polsters and lichens as traps for pollen rain and to establish eventually, whether or not such vegetative traps could be used as controls in pollen spectra analyses of herbivore faeces for the determination of nutritional regime and habitat. From a comparison with recent studies in north west Spain of three taxa in common with Scottish samples,Polytrichum demonstrated a consistently higher number of pollen taxa trapped.Thuidium andCladonia all yielded between one and a half and three times the number of pollen taxa as in the same three bryophyte/lichen taxa sampled in Scotland. Investigation relating the pollen rain trapped in polsters to that in faecal material are continuing, and will be reported in due course.

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