
The pesticide residues in drinking water, irrigation water, sediment and soil sam-ples collected from three villages, i.e. Samadon, Ashmon and El-Ramla, located at Menofia Governorate, Egypt were monitored during the period of Septemper 2002 to February 2003. The obtained results showed that the detected pesticide residues were varied in their types and structures in the investigated villages during period of study. It is clear that residues of organochlorine insecticide and the herbicide, atra-zine, were the most frequently detected in both of drinking and irrigation water sam-ples. According to the detected amounts and numbers of pesticide residues in all the collected samples, the soil samples contained higher pesticide residues (average of 0.07 ppm)  sediment (average of 0.05 ppm)  irrigation water (average of 0.04 ppm)  drinking water (0.01-0.02 ppm). Comparing between the selected sites, Sa-madon was the highest site contained pesticide residues more than Ashmon and El-Ramla.

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