
Through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology, it is planned to use complex brain network technology to track brain functional imaging tracking treatment of stroke hemiplegia with scalp acupuncture. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can continuously monitor the rehabilitation process of motor nerve function in patients with stroke and upper limb hemiplegia, and explore the mechanism of brain plasticity changes at different levels of neural function cortex, motor function neural circuit, and behavior level. First, the fMRI test uses a block design, and the subjects complete the movement of the thumb and index finger. After completing the dysfunction assessment, fMRI data collection was performed on the patient before the CIMT treatment using a magnetic resonance apparatus, and a second fMRI data collection was performed 2 weeks after the CIMT treatment; only one fMRI data collection was performed on the volunteers. The functional magnetic resonance data was processed using the AFNI software package, and the functional scores of subjects were calculated using SPSS software. Second, studying the remodeling of residual brain tissue and functional compensation pathways can help to further clarify the recovery mechanism of motor function after stroke hemiplegia. Finally, compulsory exercise therapy can effectively improve upper limb motor dysfunction in stroke patients. The forced use of upper extremities during treatment induces the reorganization and compensation of cerebral cortical functional areas. This change in brain functional areas is consistent with the increase of upper extremity movement and improvement of motor function, fMRI can provide neuronal reorganization after exercise therapy evidence with compensation.

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