
The article highlights the main diseases of tomato plants caused by phytopathogenic microorganisms that cause great damage in many countries of the world, including Ukraine. It has been analyzed that phytopathogenic micromycetes that parasitize tomato plants cause huge losses in agricultural production, reducing the quality of products, and also release toxins that cause poisoning and numerous serious diseases that affect humans and animals that consume this product. It has been established that the most common tomato diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi are late blight, alternaria, septoria, gray rot, spotted wilt virus, and bacterial tomato cancer. Microbiological means of control were analyzed as an alternative to chemical fungicides, which are considered safe methods in modern agriculture. They stimulate the defense mechanisms of plants, acting as inducers of plant resistance or as means of biological control. It was found that one of the common biological preparations in the fight against diseases and improving the growth of tomato culture are preparations containing Trichoderma spp. They are widely used as biofungicides against the pathogens Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii. The study of Mexican scientists on the testing of various isolates of the genus Trichoderma spp. Chinese scientists identified a strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CQ-4) that can effectively control the spread of gray rot disease and identified bacteria of the genus Bacillus subtilis, which are characterized by notable antagonistic activity against a wide range of phytopathogenic bacteria and micromycetes and are a factor in biological control. Also, scientists from Egypt who conducted experiments on two endophytic fungi, namely Curvularia lunata and Nigrospora sphaerica, where their antagonistic action against phytopathogenic fungi and their ability to produce an important growth hormone and provide some necessary nutrients for plant growth were evaluated. A number of investigated antagonist strains are the basis or promising for the production of microbial preparations for controlling phytopathogens in agroecosystems and increasing the yield of tomato plants.

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