
During the monitoring period of the lepidopteran entomofauna we collected 29 species, which systematically belong to the following families: 7 from the Lycaenidae, 17 from the Nymphalidae and 5 from the Pieridae. The species with the highest abundance are: Maniola jurtina L., Boloria selene Denis and Schiffermüller, Argynnis paphia L., Pieris mannii Mayer, Pseudophilotes schiffermuelleri Hemming and Coenonympha pamphilus L. The relatively good state of biodiversity conservation in the area is confirmed by the fact that in Pseudophilotes schiffermuelleri Hemming, Argynnis paphia L. and Coenonympha pamphilus L. which are potentially threatened taxa in Romania, in this area the population is well represented. From the Nymphalidae family, Boloria selene Denis and Schiffermüller is one of the most vulnerable taxa in the country, in the Bilbor area it is a well-represented species. Colias myrmidone Esper, which is in decline in Europe and is on the verge of extinction, still has a very small population only in the Bilbor and Gheorgheni area at an altitude of about 1000 m. Lycaena dispar rutile Werneburg, Lycaena thersamon Esper and Colias australis Verity considered considered vulnerable taxa in the country, in the Bilbor area still have a very small population.

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