
This paper considers the digitalization of electrical networks, the organization of remote control of the values and parameters of electrical energy, the creation of digital elements, devices and complexes for monitoring and managing power quality indicators based on Cloud Computing technology, the conversion of primary currents into signals in the form of secondary voltages, and also discusses management issues symmetrical quantities and parameters of these converters. In addition, a model of a three-phase AC converter with specific loads and analytical expressions for determining the output voltage of a three-phase AC converter with a specific load based on the configuration of this model are presented, a cloud computing algorithm for studying a three-phase AC converter, the characteristics of electrical loads are given, the dynamic characteristics of electromagnetic three-phase load current converters, graphs of magnetic fluxes and a three-phase current converter of specific loads, stabilization mode in the conversion system of electromagnetic converters of three-phase current in 0.02-0.03 seconds after being connected to the network under a special load, an algorithm for constructing dynamic characteristics and generating analytical expressions. Based on this information, conclusions were drawn about the cost and parameters of three-phase current electromagnetic converters.

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