
Ascariasis is a significant public health problem. More than a quarter of the world's population is at risk of infection with soil-borne parasites, and Ascaris lumbricoides is the main type of geohelminthiasis that infects people and affects the population of all countries to some extent. The study is aimed at monitoring ascariasis in the South of Russia, including determining a risk of infecting the population. The analysis of the incidence of ascariasis was performed based on official statistics "On the incidence of protozoans and helminthiasis in the population of the Russian Federation". Over the past 5 years, a serological screening of 2600 samples of blood serum of conditionally healthy residents of the South of Russia was conducted at the premises of the Rostov Scientific Research Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology of the Rospotrebnadzor. Over the same period, more than 7,500 parasitological studies of environmental objects (waste water and its sediments, soil, sand, and surface water) were conducted. A significant proportion of seropositive individuals, as well as the evidence of ascarid eggs detected in environmental objects indicate that the potential risk of infection of the South of Russia population with ascariasis remains. Additionally, the obtained results indicate the need to continue monitoring ascariasis. Further research will provide a more complete picture of the current epidemiological situation on ascariasis and its spread in the South of Russia.

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