
Till date, the remote sensing research on crop nutrient monitoring has focused mainly on biomass and nitrogen (N) estimation and only a few attempts had been made to characterize and monitor macronutrients other than N. Field experiments were undertaken to study the remote detection of macronutrient status of rice using hyperspectral remote sensing. The variability in soil available N, phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) and their content in plants were created using artificial fertility gradient design. The leaf and canopy hyperspectral reflectance was captured from variable macronutrient status vegetation. Linear correlation analysis between the spectral reflectance and plant nutrient status revealed significantly (p < 0.05) higher correlation coefficient at 670, 700, 730, 1090, 1260, 1460 nm for the nutrient under study. Published and proposed vegetation indices (VIs) were tested for canopy N, P and S prediction. The results of the investigation revealed that, published VIs (NDVI hyper and NDVI broadbands) could retrieve canopy N with higher accuracy, but not P and S. The predictability of the visible and short wave infrared based VI NRI1510 ((R1510 − R660)/(R1510 + R660)) was the highest (r = 0.81, p < 0.01) for predicting N. Based on the outcomes of linear correlation analysis new VIs were proposed for remote detection of P and S. Proposed VI P_670_1260 ((R1260 − R670)/(R1260 + R670)) retrieved canopy P status with higher prediction accuracy (r = 0.67, p < 0.01), whereas significantly higher canopy S prediction (r = 0.58, p < 0.01) was obtained using VI S_670_1090 ((R1090 − R670)/(R1090 + R670)). The proposed spectral algorithms could be used for real time and site-specific N, P and S management in rice. Nutrient specific wavelengths, identified in the present investigation, could be used for developing relatively low-cost sensors of hand-held instruments to monitor N, P and S status of rice plant.

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