
Monitoring of the existence of the Javan Leopard (Panthera pardus melas) in the Nusakambangan Timur Nature Reserve, Cilacap Regency, has been carried out in July-November 2020. Monitoring is carried out using the method of collecting signs of animal presence and installing camera traps. Photos / videos caught on camera traps are counted on the encounter rate. The monitoring results obtained 97 videos which were divided into 6 videos of P.p. melas, 15 videos of wild boar (Sus scrofa), 1 video of mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus), 2 videos of mountain squirrels (Tupaia montana), 1 video of mice (Apodemus sp.) 20 videos of human activities, and 47 videos of non detection. The result of the Encounter Rate calculation shows the result of P.p. melas 4.44 / 100 days; wild boar 11.85 / 100 days; Squirrels 1.48 / 100 days; rats and mouse deer 0.74 / 100 days, respectively. Meanwhile, for the trail of P.p. melas found 2 impurities.

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