
An implantable radiotelemetric temperature measuring device has been developed in order to assess the applicability of ear base temperature measurements in sow management. Temperature was recorded with the radiotelemetric device implanted in 7 sows (Dutch Landrace and Great Yorkshire × Dutch Landrace) just behind the base of the ear, 2 to 7 cm beneath the skin surface. Temperatures were recorded every 6 minutes from 2 days prior to farrowing until the piglets were weaned. Statistically significant changes ( P< 0.05) in ear base temperature around farrowing followed a pattern similar to those reported in the literature for rectal and deep body measurements. The sows' temperature started to rise between 6–12 hours before farrowing. Until weaning it remained higher than before farrowing. A radiotelemetric temperature measurement unit, included in an electronic identification device implanted close under the skin and just behind the ear, may contribute to improved monitoring of some (patho) physiological processes in individual sows.

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