
Vending machines are a convenient source of food and drinks, but they can also be a significant source of energy consumption in public buildings. To reduce energy waste and improve energy efficiency, a low-cost sensor network was used to monitor the energy usage of vending machines. The sensor network consists of small, wireless sensors that are placed inside the vending machines, and a central hub that is connected to the internet via Wi-Fi. The sensors are able to collect data on the energy usage of the vending machines, including when they are idle, in use, or in a standby mode. This data is then transmitted to the central hub, where it is processed and made available to users through a web-based interface or mobile app. With this information, users can identify patterns in energy usage and make changes to reduce overall energy consumption. In a university in southern Spain, 53 vending machines of three types were monitored: snack, cold drinks, and hot drinks. The average monthly consumptions of these types of vending machines were snack (250 kWh), cold drinks (200 kWh), and hot drinks (100 kWh). By using a sensor network to monitor the energy usage of vending machines, it is possible to identify areas where energy is being wasted and make adjustments to reduce this waste. This can help to reduce the environmental impact of the vending machines, by reducing the amount of energy that is consumed and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, by making the vending machines more energy efficient, it is possible to improve their overall productivity and cost-effectiveness. Overall, the use of a low-cost sensor network to monitor vending machines energy usage can be seen as a form of cleaner production, because it promotes the use of more sustainable and efficient industrial processes.

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