
Primary schools lack Christian and Catholic teachers so there are volunteer teachers of the religious teaching staff. The volunteer has not enough education and teaching experiences. Therefore, provision is important both from a spiritual perspective, introduction to vision and mission, core values of BKGS, and as well as intellectually Christian and Catholic learning methods. The method that we used was to distribute the instrument to partner schools. The activity is carried out in several steps: Preparation, Implementation, Evaluation, and Reporting. The outcome and achievement are the performance of BKGS volunteers who are placed in schools, especially primary school in Salatiga, are classified good. This activity implies that teachers can improve learning strategies in schools through evaluations.


  • Primary schools lack Christian and Catholic teachers so there are volunteer teachers of the religious teaching staff

  • The outcome and achievement are the performance of Badan Kerjasama Gereja-gereja Salatiga (BKGS) volunteers

  • who are placed in schools

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Primary schools lack Christian and Catholic teachers so there are volunteer teachers of the religious teaching staff. Para relawan belum banyak pengalaman di dunia pendidikan, maka pembekalan menjadi penting baik dari sisi spiritual, pengenalan visi misi, core value BKGS, serta secara intelektual teknik pembelajaran Agama Kristen dan Katolik. Di sisi lain oleh karena para relawan belum banyak pengalaman di dunia pendidikan, maka pembekalan menjadi penting dan mendesak, baik dari sisi spiritual, pengenalan visi misi, core value BKGS, serta secara intelektual dalam arti materimateri serta teknik-teknik pembelajaran Agama Kristen dan Katolik. Maksud dan tujuan dari program relawan guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Katolik adalah untuk melihat peran para relawan dalam proses belajar mengajar di sekolah, perbaikan dan tindak lanjut dalam kemajuan pelayanan di Sekolah Dasar Salatiga.

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