
This paper proposes an integrated model of social-health resources management. The authors present the actual challenges for health care, in an environment characterized by longer life expectancy and an increase in the number of patients with chronic pathologies, in a scenario of both, economic and financial crises. Their presentation includes management and financial issues, and the technological trends –such as the development of personalized and regenerative medicine– which will lead to an increase in health spending. The task of facing these challenges, they explain, cannot be postponed, the goals should be to improve: the efficiency in the use of health resources, the quality of health care and the level of patient satisfaction. Finally, they present some concepts about the application of information and communications technologies in health, show its relationship with the chronic patient care and present both, the current management models for this type of patient and the new proposed model.


  • Monitorización y tratamiento de pacientes Monitoramento e tratamento de pacientes crôcrónicos mediante uHealth: claves en la sos- nicosatravésdauHealth:chavesparaasustentenibilidad y calidad asistencial tabilidade e qualidade assistencial

  • In order to be considered as systems, according to the World Health Organization [WHO], it must: Be universal, that is, provide coverage to the entire population; have comprehensive care, both hygiene and mental health, as preventive medicine, primary care, specialized assistance in all acute and chronic diseases; be equitable in the distribution of resources; be efficient, that is, provide the best benefits and the best level of health at the lowest cost; be flexible, to be able to adapt and respond quickly to new needs; and count on the participation of citizens in its planning and management (Cabo-Salvador & Bellmont, 2014)

  • La adopción de tecnologías de computación en la nube [cloud computing], al ofrecer servicios de computación a través de una red, generalmente Internet, ha dinamizado aún más la implantación de la telemedicina y de los Historiales Médicos Electrónicos (HME) en nuestro entorno asistencial (Cabo-Salvador et al, 2017; Cabo-Salvador et al, 2018; Cabo-Salvador, 2017; Clark Jr, Snyder, Meek, Stutz, & Parkin, 2001; Drennan & Goodman, 2004; MedPAC, 2007; Sheaff et al, 2009; Sylvia et al, 2006; John Hopkins University, 2010; Tinetti, Bogardus & Agostini, 2004). The increase in both longevity and chronic pathologies, implies an increase in the demand for healthcare services, which implies an increase for resources need, both structural and material, as well as human, and an opportunity for telemedicine and telecare, both for remote diagnoses, and for remote monitoring of assisted patients, in Intensive Surveillance Units [ISUs], Intensive Care Units [ICUs], Reanimation Units [RUs] and hospitals emergency boxes, and in outpatient health and para-healthcare centers, such as pharmacies or local rural support centers; as well as medicalized residences and private homes

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Longevity and Chronicity

Health systems can be considered direct variants of social systems, they are complex, open and interrelated systems, with determiBonants of other systems, such as the political, fiscal and educational systems (Cabo-Salvador, Cabo J, & Iglesias, 2010; Cabo-Salvador, Bellmont, Cabo J, & Herreros, 2010). In order to be considered as systems, according to the World Health Organization [WHO], it must: Be universal, that is, provide coverage to the entire population; have comprehensive care, both hygiene and mental health, as preventive medicine, primary care, specialized assistance in all acute and chronic diseases; be equitable in the distribution of resources; be efficient, that is, provide the best benefits and the best level of health at the lowest cost; be flexible, to be able to adapt and respond quickly to new needs; and count on the participation of citizens in its planning and management (Cabo-Salvador & Bellmont, 2014). According to United Nations prospective studies (2017), the percentage of people over 60 years of age will increase from 10% of the population in 2000 to 21% of the population in 2050

Longevidad y cronicidad
Telemedicine and uHealth
Telemedicina y uHealth
Modelos de gestión de pacientes crónicos
Chronic Patient Management Models
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