
A large number of the working population have occupations which require long hours of sitting and students spend most of their time on laptop, mobile devices leaning forward, incorrect sleeping posture etc., these mentioned habits lay significant strain on the posture. In fact, after surveying 200 people of various age groups, 76% said that they do not practice good posture. Of those people, more than 90% said that they experience joint pain. A posture monitoring and correction system is developed which is used to enhance the quality of life by providing the support needed to maintain good posture. When the user retains the same posture for a period of 2 minutes, this system will automatically warn the user such that he/she can correct it. The neck posture is monitored by placing the flex sensor over the neck region of C2 – C7 of cervical vertebra and intimated by buzzer sound if the user maintained the same posture for around 120 seconds. This proposed work will be further utilized to analyze the improper use of wrist joint which creates numbness and leads to carpel tunnel syndrome. The flex sensor monitors the wrist joint movement which will placed in the dorsal side of the wrist and give an alarm, besides the maximum extension up to which one can do flexion and extension will also be set so that the over usage of the joint will be intimated by auditory signal.

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