
The paper is devoted to the problem of environmental education implementation in modern conditions through formation of ecological consciousness and ecological culture of students personality within the educational process and outside. To solve this problem it is necessary to develop new approaches to the training of prospective environmental educators and their professional competence development. Its also necessary to control and evaluate all the main components of professional competence. In the structure of the teachers professional competence the authors of the paper include a set of theoretical knowledge and their application in various pedagogical situations, as well as value orientations and a set of indicators of the teachers culture: speech, communication style, attitude to himself/herself and his/her activities and to other fields of knowledge, etc. At the same time, the system of professional education of modern teachers consists of subject training as well as psychological, pedagogical and methodological training, the purpose of which is to form the ability to organize the educational process on principles of personality-oriented interaction. In the structure of professional and pedagogical competence of bachelors majoring in Ecology, it is possible to distinguish meaningful, value-motivational and operational-activity components. The authors also consider possible ways of monitoring and assessment of pedagogical competence development among bachelors majoring in Ecology for pedagogical activity, their professional competence and training.

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