
MoniQA (Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the total food supply chain) is an EU-funded Network of Excellence that involves experts from around the globe collaborating to harmonize worldwide food quality and safety monitoring and control strategies. The initial network of over 155 scientists from 20 countries has grown to over 400 experts from over 35 countries from five continents in the first 18 months. MoniQA focuses on validation of and performance criteria/requirements for methods used to analyse foods and food products for safety and quality, with the main focus being on rapid methods and their applicability and reliability in routine testing. The work involves validation guidelines, validation studies, design and development of reference materials/testing materials and validation guidelines. MoniQA will play an important role in integrating European and worldwide food quality and safety research by creating a virtual laboratory for joint research, training, dissemination and mobility programmes. It will allow and actively promote sharing of data and knowledge, as well as of equipment, materials and personnel through creation of a global platform for food Q&S researchers. MoniQA will enable shared access to the world's best research facilities, technological platforms, databases, analytical tools and knowledge. MoniQA's harmonized food quality and safety control strategies will add value in the food chain and will improve consumer confidence worldwide. MoniQA's socio-economic impact assessment will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of new food quality and safety regulations within the EU and worldwide.

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