
Encircle Yes or No to indicate your answer.* Do you feel that persons over 65 1. think young parents do not know how to bring up children properly? 2. are careless about their table manners? 3. make bad patients when ill? 4. feel that young parents rear their children wisely? 5. feel secure? 6. are bossy? 7. dislike any change or interference with established ways of doing things ? 8. usually look on the bright side of things? 9. hoard their money? 10. get easily upset? 11. are easy to care for when ill? 12. respect a person's need for privacy? 13. are grouchy? 14. like to gossip? 15. think the future is hopeless ? 16. like to be waited on? 17. feel miserable most of the time? 18. are good company? 19. accept suggestions readily? 20. remember names well?

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