
The article investigates how lexemes within the lexical field “Money” are used in the Russian dialects of Old Believers spoken in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay. The study addresses the use of recently borrowed names for monetary units as well as of the original Russian nouns. The dialectal material is compared with the data from the Dictionary of Contemporary Russian Colloquial Language and from a variety of dialectal dictionaries. Special attention is given to the names for Russian monetary units rublʹ and kopejka. The word kopejka has retained some of the original Russian figurative meanings and developed a new one. The fact that kopejka has not fallen into disuse in the figurative meaning is not surprising given that original Russian idioms are very well preserved in the dialects in question, including those with kopejka (the latter are analysed in the article). The study has demonstrated significant similarity between the Old Believers’ dialects in South America and Russian varieties spoken in Russia with respect to the semantic field “Money”. At the same time, the analysis has revealed several properties which are unique to the Old Believers’ dialects. These include deviations in lexical meaning, in collocational and stylistic properties, and in usage.


  • ISSN 2351-6895 eISSN 2424-6115 Slavistica Vilnensis figurative meaning is not surprising given that original Russian idioms are very well preserved in the dialects in question, including those with kopejka

  • The study has demonstrated significant similarity between the Old Believers’ dialects in South America and Russian varieties spoken in Russia with respect to the semantic field “Money”

  • The analysis has revealed several properties which are unique to the Old Believers’ dialects

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Ольга Ровнова

В целом лексический и фразеологический материал свидетельствует о значительном единстве лексического состава тематической группы “Деньги” в изолированном говоре старообрядцев Южной Америки и в общерусском языке, вместе с тем отмечаются особенности в развитии некоторых значений, изменение лексической и синтаксической сочетаемости, стилистической окраски, употребительности лексем. The fact that kopejka has not fallen into disuse in the Статья подготовлена в рамках проекта РФФИ No 20-012-00584 «Лексика говора старообрядцев Южной Америки в аспекте лингвистической географии (к проблеме формирования русских переселенческих говоров)». ISSN 2351-6895 eISSN 2424-6115 Slavistica Vilnensis figurative meaning is not surprising given that original Russian idioms are very well preserved in the dialects in question, including those with kopejka (the latter are analysed in the article). The study has demonstrated significant similarity between the Old Believers’ dialects in South America and Russian varieties spoken in Russia with respect to the semantic field “Money”.

Pinigai Pietų Amerikos sentikių ekonominėje veikloje ir kalboje
Предварительные замечания
Отношение к деньгам и богатству в старообрядческой среде
Конфессиональная денежная единица
Что старообрядцы копят кроме денег?
Сокращения географических названий
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