
This publication devotes its attention to the commercial aspects of the gaming business, with a particular emphasis on investigating the various monetization techniques that are utilised by game developers and publishers. A complete examination of in-game purchases, subscription-based services, and free-to-play tactics is the goal of this research. The analysis will compare the economic viability of these techniques, as well as their impact on player engagement and their potential to be sustained over the long run. The purpose of this study is to provide those working in the gaming business with insights into the changing landscape of gaming commerce. These insights will aid industry professionals in making educated decisions regarding the creation of revenue and the pleasure of players. The gaming industry has witnessed unprecedented growth in recent years, and as it continues to expand, the focus on commercial strategies becomes increasingly critical for developers and publishers. This journal aims to delve into the intricate world of gaming commerce, specifically scrutinizing the diverse monetization models prevalent in the industry. By thoroughly examining in-game purchases, subscription-based services, and free-to-play strategies, this research seeks to unravel the economic intricacies, assess their impact on player engagement, and evaluate their long-term sustainability.

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