
Two masking-release paradigms thought to involve across-channel processing are comodulation masking release (CMR) and profile analysis. Similarities between these two paradigms were explored by comparing signal detection in maskers that varied only in degree of envelope fluctuation. The narrow-band-noise maskers were 10 Hz wide and their envelope fluctuations were manipulated using the low-noise noise algorithm of Pumplin [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 78, 100-104 (1985)]. Masking conditions included the classic CMR conditions of an on-frequency band, multiple (five) incoherent bands, or multiple coherent bands. Detection was compared using both random-phase noise (RPN) and low-noise noise (LNN) maskers. In one set of conditions, the signal was identical to the on-frequency masker, yielding an intensity discrimination task. Conditions that included RPN maskers and tonal signals resembled the classic CMR paradigm, whereas conditions including LNN and noise signals more closely resembled the classic profile analysis paradigm. Other conditions may be considered hybrids. This combination of conditions provided a wide variety of within- and across-channel cues for detection. The results suggest that CMR and profile analysis could be based upon the same set of stimulus cues and perhaps the same perceptual processes.

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