
We consider Lorentzian CFT Wightman functions in momentum space. In particular, we derive a set of reference formulas for computing two- and three-point functions, restricting our attention to three-point functions where the middle operator (corresponding to a Hamiltonian density) carries zero spatial momentum, but otherwise allowing operators to have arbitrary spin. A direct application of our formulas is the computation of Hamiltonian matrix elements within the framework of conformal truncation, a recently proposed method for numerically studying strongly-coupled QFTs in real time and infinite volume. Our momentum space formulas take the form of finite sums over 2F1 hypergeometric functions, allowing for efficient numerical evaluation. As a concrete application, we work out matrix elements for 3d ϕ4-theory, thus providing the seed ingredients for future truncation studies.


  • The IR limit of a UV conformal field theory (CFT) that has been deformed by one or more relevant operators OR

  • To study any theory with conformal truncation, one needs to construct the Hamiltonian matrix elements for the relevant deformation(s) OR, which can be written in the general schematic form

  • The Hamiltonian is built from two key ingredients: the OPE coefficients COO OR of the UV CFT and the kinematic function of external momenta MOORO (P, P ), which is completely fixed by conformal symmetry and the operator dimensions and spins

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Two-point functions

In 3d, CFT Euclidean two-point functions are linear combinations of terms of the general form. If we analytically continue to Lorentzian signature, the corresponding terms are e−. In order to obtain the contribution of such a term to the momentum space Wightman function, we need to compute the function. Inner products of (general-spin) primary operators will be linear combinations of the functions IA(P ). The first step in evaluating IA is to perform the integral over x⊥. Since we are working in the frame P⊥ = 0, the formula we need is xn. In this frame, the Fourier transform vanishes for odd a⊥.

Three-point functions
AdS approach
Inner product
Discussion and outlook
A Summary of notation
B Computation of AdS propagators
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