
POETRY Poem to the Sun Homero Aridjis Momentos solares Ning?n artistapuede llenar de color ese muro bianco como elmaestro Sol a las tresde la tarde 2 ^No es extrano que cuando una nube est? tapando al sol de las tresde la tarde el fulgorde tusojos en losmios esm?s intensoque lapiel delmango? ^No es extrano que el dios de las ocurrencias cotidianas haya pintado los campos de morado, amarillo y bianco? ^No es extrano que a?n tapado el Sol enfebrecido de amor tepinte de rojo el largopelo bianco? Solar Moments i No artist can cover that white wall with color at three in the afternoon like Maestro Sun 2 Isn't itodd, evenwhen a cloud blocks out theSun at three in the afternoon theglow of your eyes in mine ismore intense than mango skin? Isn't itodd that thegod of everyday occurrences should have painted the fields mauve, yellow and white? Isn't itodd thateven blocked out theSun ina feverof love paints your longwhite hair red? Editorial note: From Poemas solares I Solar Poems, forthcoming from City Lights Books in2010 (www.citylights.com). One of Latin America's greatest living writers, Homero Aridjis isalso extraordinary for his pioneering work as an environmental activist, his ambassadorial appointments, and his two-term stint as president of International PEN. Many of his forty books of poetry and prose have been translated into a dozen languages. He isthe recipient of important literaryprizes, including the Xavier Villaurrutia (Mexico), the Roger Caillois (France), the Grinzane-Cavour (Italy), and two Guggenheim Fellowships. He iscurrently Mexico's Ambassador to unesco. 28 i World Literature Today 3 Vermeer Esa sensaci?n de eternidad en las cosas y en los cuerpos esa nostalgia sin nombre del momento fueradel tiempo esa melancolia en lamemoria del ojo 4 Ella no daba nada por dado ni desocupado, cuando veia un banco vacio, decia: "El sol se sienta alii." 5 Noyo No yo el que levant? lapir?mide del Sol No yo el que convirti? el rayo de luz en cuerpo No yo ese ojo vago en laCalzada de losMuertos 3 Vermeer This feelingof eternity inbodies and things This nameless longing in the moment outside of time that melancholy in theeye'smemory 4 Whenever she saw a bench empty, she didn't take itas a given or unoccupied, she'd say: "That's where the sun sits." 5 Not me Not me, he who raised thePyramid of theSun Not me, he who turned a beam of lightintoa body Not me, thatbleary eye on theCauseway of theDead. Translation from theSpanish ByGeorge McWhirter A Vancouver resident since 1968 and the city's firstPoet Laureate, George McWhirter was born inBelfast, where he received his B.A. from Queen's University. He was head of the University of British Columbia's Creative Writing Department from1983 until1993andwas awardedtheKillamPrizeforteaching. The authorof sixbooksofpoetry, two poetic works intranslation, five short stories, and three novels, McWhirter has been the advisory editor for PRISM international magazine and has edited several anthologies. September-October 2009 i29 ...

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