
AbstractThe Baishiding molybdenum deposit is located in the Central‐Middle Guangxi depression zone of the South China Caledonian fold zone. Orebodies occur as quartz‐molybdenite veins within the Guiling monzonite pluton and arkosic quartz sandstone of Zhengyuanling Group in the northeastern Guangxi. They are NEE‐trending with a dip angle of 75–80°. Zircon SHRIMP U‐Pb geochronologic analyses of the Guiling monzonite show age of 424.4 ± 5.6 Ma. It indicates that the Guiling monzonite was emplaced in Silurian. The ore minerals in quartz‐molybdenite veins contain molybdenite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and scheelite. Six molybdenite samples yield Re‐Os ages between 433.3 ± 6.3 Ma and 417.2 ± 5.7 Ma, with a weighted mean age of 424.6 ± 5.7 Ma, which agrees with the zircon age of the Guiling monzonite pluton. It suggests that the deposit was formed in the Silurian, not the Jurassic as previously thought. The Baishiding deposit is the only Silurian molybdenum deposit so far recognized in the South China. It was probably formed in a crustal shortening setting along the continental margin in the Silurian.

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