
The article contains sections titled: General Characteristics and Classification General Information on Lipids: Hydrocarbons, Fatty Acids, Oxylipins, and Sterols7 Metabolites of Prosobranch Gastropods Some Chemical Data on Archaeogastropoda Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin Chemical Data on Mesogastropoda Secondary Metabolites of Neogastropoda A Brief History of Tyrian Purple Indirubins Conopeptides and Conotoxins20 Toxic Salivary Secretions: Tetrodotoxin, Surugatoxin, and Neosurugatoxin Metabolites of Opisthobranch Gastropods General Characteristics of the Order Anaspidea Examples of Food Chains Between Sea Hares and Algae Aplysioviolin and Carotenoid Pigments Other Nitrogen-Containing Compounds Macrolactones: Aplyolides, Aplysiatoxins, Aurisides, Dolabelides, Aplyronines, and Syphonoside Peptides and Depsipeptides: Dolastatins and Aurilides Other Examples of Nitrogenous Derivatives of Anaspidea Antimicrobial and Antitumor Glycoproteins of the Genera Aplysia and Dolabella Polypropionates of Dolabella auricularia and Dolabrifera dolabrifera General Information on the Secondary Metabolites of Cephalaspidea Alkylbenzenes and 2- and 3-Alkylpyridines of Cephalaspidea Peptides and Depsipeptides of Philinopsis speciosa Polyketides of Clione Antarctica Secondary Metabolites of Notaspidea Background on the Chemistry of Nudibranchs Terpenes, Terpenoids, and Steroids of Nudibranchs Prostaglandin Lactones of Tethys fimbria Cytotoxic Macrolides of Nudibranchs Chlorinated Polyacetylenic Derivatives of Diaulula sandiegensis Relations Between Nudibranchs and Calcareous Sponges: Amino-2-Imidazole Derivatives Relations Between Nudibranchs and Bryozoans: Pyrrole Derivatives Guanidine Derivatives and Other Alkaloids of Nudibranchs Nucleosides and Peptides of Nudibranchs Simplified Assessment of Nudibranch Chemistry General Remarks on Metabolites of Sacoglossans Terpenes of Sacoglossans Polypropionate Derivatives of Sacoglossans Kahalalides: Cytotoxic Depsipeptides of the Coupled Elysia sp./Bryopsis sp Metabolites of Pulmonate Gastropods Sesquiterpenes and Diterpenes of the Genera Onchidella and Trimusculus Polypropionate Derivatives of Pulmonates Cytotoxic Depsipeptides of Onchidium sp Metabolites of Bivalvia (Lamellibranchiata) Degradation Products of Chlorophyll a of Ruditapes phillipinarum Carotenoids Some Data on Polar Lipids (Plasmalogens and Cardiolipids) Polar Sterols of Patinopecten yessoensis and 20-Isosterols of Macoma balthica Fatty Acids and Other Lipid Derivatives; Spisulosine Pectenotoxins, Yessotoxins, Pinnatoxins, Azaspiracids, and Other Toxins Polyamines, Alkaloids, and Various Nitrogen-Containing Derivatives Arsenic-Containing Derivatives of Tridacna maxima Examples of Biopolymers Keywords: Adenochromes; aragonite; Archeogastropoda; aromatic compounds; arsenic-containing derivatives; azaspiracids; biopolymers; Bivalvia (Lamellibranchiata); calcite; carotenoids; Cephalopods; conopeptides; cyclic polyether toxins; depsipeptides; DOPA; indirubins; kahalalides; lamellarins; macrolactones; Mesogastropoda; monoterpenes; Neogastropoda; nudibranchs; Opistobranch gastropoda; oxylipins; polyamine alkaloids; polyketides; polypropionates; Prosobranch gastropoda; prostaglandin derivatives; Pulmonate gastropoda; Sacoglossans; steroids; terpenes; toxins; tunichromes; Tyrian Purple

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