
Plant-derived molluscicides have been indicated as biodegradable and low-cost strategies for control of Biomphalaria spp., intermediate host for the Schistosoma. This study evaluated whether the crude ethanolic extract of the Persea americana stem bark has molluscicidal activity against embryos, newly-hatched and adults of Biomphalaria glabrata. The extract was obtained, characterized and its toxicity analyzed by snail embryotoxicity test (144 h) and acute toxicity test with newly-hatching and adult snails (96 h). Results showed the presence of flavonoids, anthraquinone heterosides, coumarins and tannins in the crude ethanolic extract, which showed molluscicidal activity against all life cycle stages of B. glabrata. The LC50 for embryos, newly-hatched and adults were 27.06, 30.60 and 55.55 ppm, respectively. Embryos exposed to the extract at 50 ppm showed hatching inhibition and at 6.2 and 25 ppm had the highest rates of morphological alterations, such as shell malformations and coagulation of the perivitelline substance. Adult snails exposed to the extract at 75 ppm showed a peak of behavioral changes, such as lethargy and shell reclusion, in addition to answers like hemolymph release in most concentrations. Further studies are required, prioritizing toxicity testing on non-target organisms and further elucidation of the active molecules.

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