
Increased cardiac myocyte contractility by the β-adrenergic system is an important mechanism to elevate cardiac output to meet hemodynamic demands and this process is depressed in failing hearts. While increased contractility involves augmented myoplasmic calcium transients, the myofilaments also adapt to boost the transduction of the calcium signal. Accordingly, ventricular contractility was found to be tightly correlated with PKA-mediated phosphorylation of two myofibrillar proteins, cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) and cardiac troponin I (cTnI), implicating these two proteins as important transducers of hemodynamics to the cardiac sarcomere. Consistent with this, we have previously found that phosphorylation of myofilament proteins by PKA (a downstream signaling molecule of the beta-adrenergic system) increased force, slowed force development rates, sped loaded shortening, and increased power output in rat skinned cardiac myocyte preparations. Here, we sought to define molecule-specific mechanisms by which PKA-mediated phosphorylation regulates these contractile properties. Regarding cTnI, the incorporation of thin filaments with unphosphorylated cTnI decreased isometric force production and these changes were reversed by PKA-mediated phosphorylation in skinned cardiac myocytes. Further, incorporation of unphosphorylated cTnI sped rates of force development, which suggests less cooperative thin filament activation and reduced recruitment of non-cycling cross-bridges into the pool of cycling cross-bridges, a process that would tend to depress both myocyte force and power. Regarding MyBP-C, PKA treatment of slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibers caused phosphorylation of MyBP-C (but not slow skeletal TnI (ssTnI)) and yielded faster loaded shortening velocity and ∼30% increase in power output. These results add novel insight into the molecular specificity by which the β-adrenergic system regulates myofibrillar contractility and how attenuation of PKA-induced phosphorylation of cMyBP-C and cTnI may contribute to ventricular pump failure.

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