
Conventional liposomal drug delivery has been associated with obvious limitations, such as a rapid absorption by the recticulo-endothelial system in the liver and spleen, a short circulation time and a low therapeutic efficacy. Various modifications of liposomal drugs have been developed to prolong the duration of actions of the drugs at target sites, reduce its adverse effects and increase therapeutic index of drugs such as polymeric conjugation and polymeric fixation on the surface of a liposome. The lymphatic system is an important highway to spread the metastasis of most human cancers including breast, colon, and lung, ovarian and prostate. To eradicate those metastatic cancer cells from the lymphatic system, several efforts have been made to develop new and efficient lymphatic targeting drug delivery systems in order to achieve a high initial lymphatic uptake and lymph node localization. Recently, molecule targeting of liposome to lymphatic system may enhance therapeutic efficacy by improving the initial lymphatic uptake and the lymph nodal retention of liposomes such as the ligand-receptor and antibodies binding on the surface of liposome. This article aims to review the emerging liposomal drug, which is targeting the lymphatic system. The significant factors associated with targeting liposomal drugs will also be discussed in more detail in this review.

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