
HormozgAn is one of the 30 provinces of Iran. It is in the south of the country, facing Oman. Unfortunately, water extraction, in excess of the rate of replenishment, saline intrusion and inappropriate use of fertilizers have caused some increases in the salinity of many areas, which during the last two decades became a major problem in the production of traditional crops in many regions. Salicornia is a genus of succulent, halophyte (salt tolerant) plants that grow in salt marshes, on beaches, and among mangroves. Few studies on bacterial diversity within the rhyzosphere of salt marsh plants have been published. The most studied plant is Spartina alterniflora. This study was the first step in the promotion of this type of microorganisms as an efficient and reliable biological product for growth enhancement of halophyte such as Salicornia, as well as in the extension of the range of host plants forAzospirillum halopraeferens, besides the wild halophyte of Salicornia in where they live at the moment. Furthermore, studies on the association of Rhodococcus fascians andAzospirillum with Salicornia genus are recommended to determine their extent, so that these observations can be reproduced under field conditions. Key words: Persian Gulf, molecular study, Salicornia, symbiotic bacteria, sea water irrigation and Iran.

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