
The periodic structure external to the outer membrane of Spirillum serpens VHA has been isolated by similar procedures to those used by Buckmire and Murray (1). From SDS gel electrophoresis, we have found that the isolated fragments contain several protein components, and that the crystalline structure is composed of a glycoprotein component with a molecular weight of ∽ 140,000 daltons (2). Under an electron microscopic examination, we have visualized the hexagonally-packed glycoprotein subunits, as well as the bilayer profile of the outer membrane. In this paper, we will discuss some structural aspects of the crystalline glycoproteins, based on computer-reconstructed images of the external cell wall fragments.The specimens were prepared for electron microscopy in two ways: negatively stained with 1% PTA, and maintained in a frozen-hydrated state (3). The micrographs were taken with a JEM-100B electron microscope with a field emission gun. The minimum exposure technique was essential for imaging the frozen- hydrated specimens.

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