
The geometric structure of 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoroanisole and the potential function for internal rotation around the C(sp2)-O bond were determined by gas electron diffraction (GED) and quantum chemical calculations. Analysis of the GED intensities with a static model resulted in near-perpendicular orientation of the O-CH3 bond relative to the benzene plane with a torsional angle around the C(sp2)-O bond of tau(C-O) = 67(15) degrees. With a dynamic model, a wide single-minimum potential for internal rotation around the C(sp2)-O bond with perpendicular orientation of the methoxy group [tau(C-O) = 90 degrees] and a barrier of 2.7 +/- 1.6 kcal/mol at planar orientation [tau(C-O) = 0 degrees] was derived. Calculated potential functions depend strongly on the computational method (HF, MP2, or B3LYP) and converge adequately only if large basis sets are used. The electronic energy curves show internal structure, with local minima appearing because of the interplay between electron delocalization, changes in the hybridization around the oxygen atom, and the attraction between the positively polarized hydrogen atoms in the methyl group and the fluorine atom at the ortho position. The internal structure of the electronic energy curves mostly disappears if zero-point energies and thermal corrections are added. The calculated free energy barrier at 298 K is 2.0 +/- 1.0 kcal/mol, in good agreement with the experimental determination.

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