
Preface. Relevance of Aerothermochemistry for Hypersonic Technology G.S.R. Sarma. Vibrational Energy Exchanges Between Diatomic Molecules of Relevance to Atmospheric Chemistry M. Cacciatore. Reactive Vibrational Deexcitation: The N + N2 and O + O2 Reactions A. Lagana, et al. Reactive Cross Sections Involving Atomic Nitrogen and Ground and Vibrationally Excited Molecular Oxygen and Nitric Oxide M. Gilibert, et al. Vibrational Relaxation, Nonequilibrium Chemical Reactions, and Kinetics of No Formation Behind Strong Shock Waves I.V. Adamovich, et al. Non-Equilibrium Chemistry Models for Shock-Related Gases P.L. Varghese, D.A. Gonzales. Electron - Air Molecule Collisions in Hypersonic Flows W.M. Huo, H.T. Thummel. Heterogeneous Catalysis: Theory, Models and Applications M. Barbato, C. Bruno. Recombination of Atomic Species on Surfaces C.D. Scott. Recombination of Oxygen and Nitrogen on Silicabased Thermal Protection Surfaces: Mechanism and Implications E. Jumper. Phenomenological Theory for Heterogeneous Recombination of Partially Dissociated Air on High-Temperature Surfaces V.L. Kovalev, et al. Chemical Reactions and Thermal Non Equilibrium on Silica Surfaces A. Daiss, et al. Sputtered Excited Atoms: Boundary Conditions G. Falcone, F. Piperno. Semi-Classical Treatment of the Dynamics of Molecule Surface Interaction G.D. Billing. Thermodynamic Equilibrium of Multi-Temperature Gas Mixtures D. Giordano. Thermodynamic Approach of a Flow with Thermal Non Equilibrium (translation - electron - vibration) M. Dudeck. Thermodynamic Properties of High Temperature Air Components M. Capitelli, et al. Old and New Problems Related to High Temperature Transport Properties M. Capitelli, et al. Potential Energies and CollisionIntegrals for the Interactions of Air Components. I. Ab Initio Calculation of Potential Energies and Neutral Interactions H. Partridge, et al. Potential Energies and Collision Integrals for the Interactions of Air Components. II. Scattering Calculations and Interactions Involving Ions J.R. Stallcop, et al. Measurements and Nature of Intermolecular Forces: Their Role in Gaseous Properties F. Pirani, et al. Transport Properties of Non Equilibrium Gas Flows R. Brun. The Influence of Non-Boltzmann Vibrational Distribution on Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity E.V. Kustova, E. Nagnibeda. The Role of Inelastic Rotational and Vibrational Collisions on Transport Coefficients C. Nyeland. Analysis of Approximation Introduced Using Simplified Sum Rules in Calculations of High Energy Air Transport Coefficients F. De Filippis. The Analytical Approaches to the Non Equilibrium Vibrational Kinetics B.F. Gordiets. Non-Equilibrium Vibrational, Electronic and Dissociation Kinetics in Molecular Plasmas and their Coupling with the Electron Energy Distribution Function C. Gorse, M. Capitelli. Self Consistent Modeling of Free Electron Kinetics S. Longo. Electron-Impact Ionization of Air Molecules and Its Application to the Abatement of Volatile Organic Compounds B.M. Penetrante, et al. Fluid Dynamic Modeling of Plasma Reactors P. Vitello. Multicomponent Reactive Gas Dynamic Model for Low-Pressure Discharges in Flowing Oxygen M.J. Pinheiro, et al. Mathematical Models for Plasma and Gas Flows in Induction Plasmatrons S.A. Vasil'evskii, et al. N2(A3SIGMAu+, v=0) Decay in N2-O2 Pulsed Post-Discharge S. De Benedictis, G. Dilecce. Investigations of Species in Flowing Nitrogen After

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