
Results of STXM investigations of a binary mixture (-TNF = 2 : 1; SmA(b) 140 M 180 Iso) known to form a SmA(b) phase [T. Hegmann, J. Kain, S. Diele, G. Pelzl and C. Tschierske, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2001, 40, 887] are presented. Near edge X-ray absorption fine spectra (NEXAFS) of the -TNF board-like aggregates, in particular the intensity of the low energy peaks associated with aromatic ring pi* orbitals (284.5-286.5 eV), show that the molecular plane of these aggregates is very sensitive to the relative orientation of electric field vector E of linearly polarized light, which is used to determine the molecular orientation in the LC phase. The observed strong in-plane dichroic signal suggests the predominant orientation of the -TNF aggregates to be along the smectic layer normal as well as long-range ordering of the in-plane molecular orientation (biaxiality). Orientational maps derived from series of measurements at different sample rotation angles around the specimen normal clearly show a Schlieren-type texture, and permit a detailed examination of exclusive +/-(1/2) disclination theoretically predicted for the SmA(b) phase.

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