
Growth hormones (GH) have diverse functions like growth promotion, metabolism, appetite, reproduction and social behavior in vertebrates, which is mediated through the growth hormone receptor (GHR). This work was aimed to analyze structural features, homology modeling and molecular docking of Labeo rohita GHR protein. A physicochemical characteristic, like molecular weight was 67.2 kDa and hydropathicity was 0.336. Protein modeling and structure confirmation of L. rohita GHR protein showed 92.7% residues are in the favored region. Selection of ligands and molecular docking shown Melengestrol and Riboflavin ligand showed uppermost binding energy values −7.8 and −7.3 kcal/mol. Molecular interactions describe conventional hydrogen bonding of Melengestrol was observed with VAL94, GLU97, GLU95, TRP57, PHE33, THR34, PRO35, ASP36, PRO37, ARG49, GLY292, LYS291, ILE290, ALA287, LYS289 residues. Riboflavin hydrogen bonds interaction was at PRO37, ASP36, PRO35, THR34, ARG49, SER144, VAL443, GLN442, PRO284, ASP294, ILE285, PRO286, SER408, ALA287, GLY292, LYS291, ILE290, PRO288, LYS287. Molecular dynamics simulation outcomes revealed that complex 2 (Riboflavin and GHR protein) is better than complex1 (Melengestrol and GHR protein). Overall, the results of the present work lead identification of novel molecules that may be agonistic of growth hormone receptor protein and can be used to surge growth in fish. Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma

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