
(Cell 147, 509–524; October 28, 2011) In the article above, two citations of Figure 3 (on pp. 515 and 516) were inadvertently written as citations to Figure 4. Additionally, in Figure 2, the label “Amygdala” should have been “Lateral Amygdala.” A corrected version of the article is now available online. Molecular Mechanisms of Fear Learning and MemoryJohansen et al.CellOctober 28, 2011In BriefPavlovian fear conditioning is a particularly useful behavioral paradigm for exploring the molecular mechanisms of learning and memory because a well-defined response to a specific environmental stimulus is produced through associative learning processes. Synaptic plasticity in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) underlies this form of associative learning. Here, we summarize the molecular mechanisms that contribute to this synaptic plasticity in the context of auditory fear conditioning, the form of fear conditioning best understood at the molecular level. Full-Text PDF Open Archive

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