
This paper discusses the mechanisms of S. aureus drug resistance including: (1) introduction. (2) resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics, with particular emphasis on the mec genes found in the Staphylococcaceae family, the structure and occurrence of SCCmec cassettes, as well as differences in the presence of some virulence genes and its expression in major epidemiological types and clones of HA-MRSA, CA-MRSA, and LA-MRSA strains. Other mechanisms of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics will also be discussed, such as mutations in the gdpP gene, BORSA or MODSA phenotypes, as well as resistance to ceftobiprole and ceftaroline. (3) Resistance to glycopeptides (VRSA, VISA, hVISA strains, vancomycin tolerance). (4) Resistance to oxazolidinones (mutational and enzymatic resistance to linezolid). (5) Resistance to MLS-B (macrolides, lincosamides, ketolides, and streptogramin B). (6) Aminoglycosides and spectinomicin, including resistance genes, their regulation and localization (plasmids, transposons, class I integrons, SCCmec), and types and spectrum of enzymes that inactivate aminoglycosides. (7). Fluoroquinolones (8) Tetracyclines, including the mechanisms of active protection of the drug target site and active efflux of the drug from the bacterial cell. (9) Mupirocin. (10) Fusidic acid. (11) Daptomycin. (12) Resistance to other antibiotics and chemioterapeutics (e.g., streptogramins A, quinupristin/dalfopristin, chloramphenicol, rifampicin, fosfomycin, trimethoprim) (13) Molecular epidemiology of MRSA.

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