
Clianthus is an acutely threatened, bird-pollinated genus endemic to New Zealand, represented in the wild by only one population of C. puniceus and 11 populations of C. maximus, each with very few individuals (typically <10 per population). A limited number of named Clianthus cultivars of indeterminate origin are commonly grown as ornamentals. Genomic DNA from individual Clianthus plants was extracted for genetic diversity analysis using a range of molecular markers, including amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Data were analysed by the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging (UPGMA), the generation of Neighbor-Joining trees, and analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA). Genetic distance between wild populations of C. maximus was highly correlated with geographical distance between populations. Sequencing of intron 2 of a putative partial homologue of the floral meristem identity gene LEAFY ( CmLFY) revealed a 7 bp deletion that was exhibited homozygously in the more northern populations of C. maximus, and in all individuals tested from the sole population of C. puniceus. This deletion was not exhibited in more southern populations of C. maximus. Further, one geographically intermediate population contained some plants that were heterozygous for the deletion. Parallel analyses of cultivated Clianthus genotypes, more than half of which were also homozygous for the 7 bp deletion, showed that these were not representative of the broad, but threatened, diversity remaining in the wild. It is argued that wild populations of C. maximus are unlikely to have arisen from the escape of plants from cultivation. Conservation effort should focus on the protection and study of the extant plants in these wild populations, rather than on the introduction of disturbance regimes to uncover potential seed banks.

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