
A thorough understanding of the interaction of endoperoxide antimalarial agents with their biological target structures is of utmost importance for the tailored design of future efficient antimalarials. Detailed insights into molecular interactions between artesunate and β-hematin were derived with a combination of resonance Raman spectroscopy, two-dimensional correlation analysis, and density functional theory calculations. Resonance Raman spectroscopy with three distinct laser wavelengths enabled the specific excitation of different chromophore parts of β-hematin. The resonance Raman spectra of the artesunate-β-hematin complexes were thoroughly analyzed with the help of high-resolution and highly sensitive two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. Spectral changes in the peak properties were found with increasing artesunate concentration. Changes in the low-frequency, morphology-sensitive Raman bands indicated a loss in crystallinity of the drug-target complexes. Differences in the high-wavenumber region were assigned to increased distortions of the planarity of the structure of the target molecule due to the appearance of various coexisting alkylation species. Evidence for the appearance of high-valent ferryl-oxo species could be observed with the help of differences in the peak properties of oxidation-state sensitive Raman modes. To support those findings, the relaxed ground-state structures of ten possible covalent mono- and di-meso(Cm)-alkylated hematin-dihydroartemisinyl complexes were calculated using density functional theory. A very good agreement with the experimental peak properties was achieved, and the out-of-plane displacements along the lowest-frequency normal coordinates were investigated by normal coordinate structural decomposition analysis. The strongest changes in all data were observed in vibrations with a high participation of Cm-parts of β-hematin.

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