
Unfortunatly Wolfgang Kunath died January 1990High resolution electron microscopy and image processing are being used to determine the molecular packing within the crystal unit cell of the, organic-azo calcium salt. Due to the beam sensitive nature of the organic moiety which contains both aromatic and and aliphatic components, low dose techniques were used. This concisted of, searching the sample in the diffraction mode to find single crystals exibiting point like reflection to at least .2nm resolution, (fig. 1). Focusing and astigmatism correction was performed by moving the beam of the crystal (off axis). The beam was then moved on axis and a series of four, 10 e/A images taken, (fig. 2). Images were primarily recorded using an on line T.V. recording device. These images were then available for processing using the Semper image processing system. Two crystal orientations were found. Type 1 consisted of thin plate like crystals up to 5um diameter and generally 10nm to 20nm thick. Type 2 were thicker crystals with a 3.2nm lattice spacing. The power specrta of the first low dose images were calculated to asses the quality of the of the structural information present. For the type 1 crystal the power spectrum had to show at least second order reflections in two directions ( fig. 3 ). Type 2 crystals showed the 3.2nm reflection often down to the fith order. These crystals also showed parallel side bands corresponding to a d-spacing of about .8nm. With these results the unit cell was found to be tetragonal with a= .78nm b= 3.2nm c= .78nm. In accordance with the diffraction patterns exibited.

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