
The diaphragm muscles of 77 free-ranging red deer (Cervus elaphus) were examined for Sarcocystis species in Lithuania. Sarcocysts were detected in 61 out of 77 (79.2%) animals investigated. A total of 60 isolated sarcocysts were identified to species using subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase (cox1) sequence analysis. Overall, seven species, S. entzerothi, S. hjorti, S. iberica, S. linearis, S. pilosa, S. truncata and S. venatoria, were confirmed in Lithuanian red deer. Sarcocystis entzerothi was reported in red deer for the first time. Previously this species was shown to use sika deer as well as roe deer and fallow deer as an intermediate host. Based on cox1, with the addition of the current data, altogether 13 Sarcocystis species have so far been shown to use red deer as an intermediate host. Species detected in red deer demonstrated considerable differences in intraspecific genetic variation at cox1. Genetic distances between different samples of S. hjorti and S. linearis were calculated using principal coordinates analysis (PCoA), implying molecular divergence of same Sarcocystis species using different hosts in the same geographical area and divergence of those employing same intermediate host species from different areas.

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