
Generalist predators have the capacity to exert significant pressure on prey populations. However, integrating them into biological control programs relies on a detailed understanding of their foraging behavior and the levels of trophic connectedness with pest species. Carabid beetles are important predators of slugs, pests of agricultural, floricultural and horticultural crops worldwide, but these interactions have been rarely studied outside the Western Palearctic ecozone. Diagnostic molecular gut-content analysis was used to examine the strength of trophic pathways between a community of carabid beetles and two slug species, the exotic Deroceras reticulatum and native Deroceras laeve, in strawberry agroecosystems. Strawberries were grown according to standard horticultural practices for central Kentucky, following traditional bare ground planting or with the addition of detrital subsidies, to quantify the impact of habitat management on the abundance of pests and the strength of these trophic pathways. Following laboratory characterization of species-specific molecular markers targeting both Deroceras species, carabid beetles collected from a strawberry agroecosystem were screened for slug DNA. Field collections revealed important food web pathways existed between Harpalus pensylvanicus and D. reticulatum, with 7.2% screening positive for these prey yet none screening positive for D. laeve. In contrast, Chlaenius tricolor was found to feed on both slug species in the field, with 16% screening positive for both Deroceras. Despite below normal rainfall limiting slug densities in the field, the results presented here reveal the potential importance of carabid beetles in slug population dynamics in the Nearctic.

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