
A whitefly transmitted begomovirus was detected by PCR using begomovirus‐specific primers from naturally infected Calendula officinalis plants showing yellow vein disease symptoms. An approximately 800 bp PCR amplicon was cloned and sequenced to identify the species of the virus isolate. Analysis of nucleotide sequence data resulted in its identification as the complete coat protein gene open reading frame (CP ORF) of 771 bp, which encoded 256 amino acid residues. The coat protein of the virus isolate shared maximum identities of 96–97% with four strains of Tobacco curly shoot virus (ToCSV) and an Ageratum enation virus (AgEV) during BLAST analysis of sequence data. Nucleotide‐ and amino acid‐based phylogenetic analysis revealed the close relationship of the isolate with ToCSV strains, therefore it has been identified as an isolate of ToCSV and C. officinalis is considered to be a new host of ToCSV begomovirus. Association of a DNA‐β molecule with the virus isolate was also detected by PCR and Southern hybridization tests using DNA‐β specific primers and probe.

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