
The Yunnan box turtle (Cuora yunnanensis, Boulenger, 1906), which has drawn much attention in conservation biology, was regarded as extinct since it was previously known only from 12 specimens collected in Yunnan, China, before 1908. Recently, live specimens have been discovered which are suggested to be C. yunnanensis. To determine whether the newly discovered specimens are really C. yunnanensis, we have established a molecular phylogeny, with a 1725-bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA, using samples from three live individuals of C. yunnanensis, together with sequence data from a museum specimen of C. yunnanensis (MNHN 1907.10) and other members of the genus Cuora. We found that the three newly discovered individuals and the old museum specimen of C. yunnanensis are very similar both in morphology and in mitochondrial DNA sequence, suggesting that the three new individuals are the very C. yunnanensis, and thus the species is not extinct. Our phylogenetic analysis also demonstrates that C. yunnanensis is not of recent hybrid origin, but rather represents a distinct evolutionary lineage.

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