
Relevance.To identify new markers of early diagnosis and prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) it is necessary to study the molecular features of this disease.Purpose.The aim of the study was to analyze blood serum protein spectrum in patients with HNSCC and in healthy volunteers using the methods of mass spectrometry and to evaluate the selected serum protein markers as candidates for early detection of HNSCC.Materials and Methods: The blood serum of HNSCC patients before therapy with metastases, without metastases and healthy volunteers was studied by proteomic methods. Validation of the results of proteomic analysis was carried out by ELISA in serum of 52 patients with HNSCC (T1-4N0-3M0), 10 patients with chronic hyperplastic laryngitis, dysplasia DII-DIII and 10 healthy volunteers. The statistical analysis was carried out using Statistica 6.0. Software package.Results.Blood serum proteome of HNSCC patients with metastases, without metastases and healthy volunteers are different and contain proteins of different classes. Adenylyl cyclase-associated protein 1 (CAP1) and protein phosphatase 1B (PPM1B) were selected to validate the obtained results. It was shown that the serum level of CAP1 and PPM1B differed in control and dysplasia groups and dysplasia and cancer groups (p ≤ 0,05). In patients with HNSCC (T1N0M0) the serum CAP1 and PPM1B levels were higher than in patients with dysplasia and healthy individuals (p ≤ 0,05). It was noted the positive correlation of the CAP1 level in the serum with the presence of metastases and the PPM1B level.Conclusion.Candidates for serum markers of HNSCC prognosis were identified. The difference in serum levels of CAP1 and PPM1B depending on the prevalence of primary tumors and the difference in serum level of CAP1 depending on the presence of regional metastases was shown. Determination of CAP1 level in the serum can be useful for early diagnosis and prognosis of HNSCC.


  • Kakurina Gelena V., PhD, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Tumor Biochemistry, Cancer Research Institute, TNRMC Russian Academy of Science (RAS), Tomsk, Russian Federation

  • To identify new markers of early diagnosis and prognosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) it is necessary to study the molecular features of this disease

  • It was shown that the serum level of cyclase-associated protein 1 (CAP1) and PPM1B differed in control and dysplasia groups and dysplasia and cancer groups (p ≤ 0,05)

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Новые кандидатные маркеры плоскоклеточного рака головы и шеи Какурина Г.В.1, Колегова Е.С.1, 2, Черемисина О.В.1, Чойнзонов Е.Л.1, 2. Для выявления новых маркеров ранней диагностики и прогноза течения плоскоклеточного рака головы и шеи (ПРГШ) необходимо изучение молекулярных особенностей этого заболевания. Протеомный анализ сыворотки крови первичных больных ПРГШ с лимфогенными метастазами, без метастазов и здоровых лиц проводили на масс-спектрометре UltraFlexIII TOF/TOF (Bruker, США). Валидация результатов проводилась методом иммуноферментного анализа в сыворотке крови 52 первичных больных ПРГШ (T1-4N0-3M0), 10 пациентов с хроническими гиперпластическими заболеваниями гортани (ХГЗГ) с дисплазией эпителия II−III степени и 10 здоровых лиц. У больных ПРГШ (T1-N0-M0) уровень сывороточного САР1 был выше, чем у пациентов с ХГЗГ и здоровых лиц почти в два раза (р ≤ 0,05). Определение САР1 в сыворотке крови может быть полезным для ранней диагностики в группе пациентов с ХГЗГ и для прогноза течения ПРГШ. Какурина Г.В., Колегова Е.С., Черемисина О.В., Чойнзонов Е.Л

Новые кандидатные маркеры плоскоклеточного рака
Healthy volunteers
Контроль Controls
Условно нормальная ткань Conditionally healthy tissue
Белок Protein
Materials and Methods
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